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  • How can I express interest in the Mindfulness for Creative Writers research study?
    1. Please read the explanatory statement for full details. 2. If you are eligible, please email Rosey Chang (her email address is on the explanatory statement) to express your interest. Feel free also to ask her questions. 3. Rosey will send you a consent form and registration form. 4. Return the consent form and registration form. 5. Rosey will contact writers to confirm their involvement.
  • Who can join the research study?
    Creative writers can join the project. It is open to writers who are published and not published, and to writers who have experience in mindfulness mediation, and who have no experience. Please see the explanatory statement for full details of who can join the research study.
  • Do I have to attend in person, or can I attend online?"
    You have to be able to attend the Mindfulness for Creative Writers research project in person. It will be held at a venue near the Melbourne University Parkville campus, in Melbourne, Australia.
  • Do I really have to read the explanatory statement?
    Yes, you really do have to read the explanatory statement.
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